Productivity does not mean you are constantly moving and doing tasks left and right. Productivity should mean you are being efficient and allocating your work time properly.
“I’m busy right now.”
“I have too much to do.”
“I don’t have the time.”
These are phrases commonly used as excuses to not take a few minutes to prepare yourself to be productive. Preparation is an essential part of the workflow. You’ll be more productive in the long run if you schedule in prep time to create goals and refer back to them when work gets chaotic.
Break time is not slacking off or procrastinating. Give yourself a 10 minute break as a “pat on the back” for doing so much work. You need time to regain your strength and increase your stamina to continually give quality service.
Here are a few tips on making the most out of your work day without getting overworked:
1. Plan Your Schedule Ahead of Time
Schedule time at the end of each day or at the beginning of each day to make a list of all the tasks that need to be completed and then prioritize them. Using kennel management software will help you to look at your day’s schedule and see how business that day will affect your time to complete tasks and help you to be realistic about what you have time to accomplish. Get your boarding ready, make sure that your groomers are coming in for the day’s appointments, and have an organized view of financial reports and data right on your screen.2. Create a Morning Routine
Creating a process for the start of your day will help you get the morning like clockwork. Have a checklist of the items you need to prepare for a successful day. Here are a few examples:Check your email for any new reservation requests.
Look at the appointment calendar in PawLoyalty dog daycare software to plan how to most efficiently spend your workday.
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